Showing posts with label Weldon Kees. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Weldon Kees. Show all posts

Saturday, January 29, 2011

The human condition

I have to dedicate a post to my roommate, who, upon hearing I was feeling under the weather, took it upon herself to learn how to make fresh ginger tea.  It is seriously the best thing in the world.  It tastes a little like ginger ale but with more bite.  Plus it's hot.  And there's lemon in it.  So, thanks, Omaira Galarza.  Now I'm not so scared to go see The Roommate with you.

I asked Omi what kind of poem she would like dedicated to her today.  She said something about the beach.  Then I found this poem and we both had a good chuckle over it:

The Beach in August

The day the fat woman
In the bright blue bathing suit
Walked into the water and died,
I thought about the human
Condition. Pieces of old fruit
Came in and were left by the tide.

What I thought about the human
Condition was this: old fruit
Comes in and is left, and dries
In the sun. Another fat woman
In a dull green bathing suit
Dives into the water and dies.
The pulmotors glisten. It is noon.

We dry and die in the sun
While the seascape arranges old fruit,
Coming in and the tide, glistening
At noon. A woman, moderately stout,
In a nondescript bathing suit,
Swims to a pier. A tall woman
Steps toward the sea. One thinks about the human
Condition. The tide goes in and goes out.

-Weldon Kees*

*Note the last line in his bio: " It is not known whether he killed himself or went to Mexico."  Omi thinks he went to Mexico to lay out on the beach.