Showing posts with label November. Show all posts
Showing posts with label November. Show all posts

Monday, November 1, 2010


Do you know what November is?  Well, it is the threshold of Fall and Winter.  It is a month that houses Thanksgiving and Black Friday.  It is a time for politics and last-minute mudslinging.  It is also National Novel Writing Month! 

I first heard about it maybe five years ago from a coworker who had signed up on the official NaNoWriMo website and undertook the project of writing a 50,000 word novel (175 pages) by the end of the month.  Maybe you have a great fiction idea that you jotted down years ago but never found the time to pursue.  Or maybe you didn't know how to pursue it.  Does the idea intimidate you?  Do you feel someone else would do better writing it?  Well, stop thinking that way!  The point of this undertaking is not to write the Great American Novel.  The point is to start writing something and finish it.  Quantity, not quality.  It's a kamikaze approach to writing, and it forces you to plow through because you don't have time to stop and edit yourself.  You have to finish by November 30th.  And don't worry if you don't have an idea already in storage.  Just start writing and see where it takes you.  Wouldn't it be great to be able to call yourself a novelist by the time December rolls around?

Technically this project began at midnight this morning, but it's not too late.  Last year 30,000 people around the world started and completed their novels in the month of November.  Check out the official website for more info.

As for me, I think I've finally got the perfect murder on lock-down.  Back to it I go.

my answer

-Charles Bukowski

"why does he have to use words like that
in his writing?"

"words like what, mother?"

"well, like 'motherfucker.'"

"some people talk like that, mother."

"people he knows?"


"but why does he associate with
people like that?"

because, mother-in-law, if I only associated with
people like you
there'd be nothing to write about that
the motherfuckers would care to