Wednesday, February 2, 2011

What's the opposite of a tapeworm?

Because that's what I had for the last week or so. I had some sort of stomach bug that wasn't letting me keep food down, so while the down side was not being able to eat, the plus side was an automatic diet. Just when I was getting used to having applesauce as a meal, my boss made me a plate of roast chicken and vegetables and very sweetly told me to eat it for lunch today. Lo and behold, I discovered that I am back in business, baby.  Hallelujah.

Now, does anyone know where I can buy a tapeworm?


Trust that there is a tiger, muscular
Tasmanian, and sly, which has never been
seen and never will be seen by any human
eye. Trust that thirty thousand sword-
fish will never near a ship, that far
from cameras or cars elephant herds live
long elephant lives. Believe that bees
by the billions find unidentified flowers
on unmapped marshes and mountains. Safe
in caves of contentment, bears sleep.
Through vast canyons, horses run while slowly
snakes stretch beyond their skins in the sun.
I must trust all this to be true, though
the few birds at my feeder watch the window
with small flutters of fear, so like my own.

1 comment:

  1. Just realizing in the cold light of day that this entire post was an excuse to share this poem, which has nothing to do with anything.


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