Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Today's poem brought to you by wine

You thought I was going to be drunk when I wrote this, right?  Well, I'm not (yet).  Thanks to @pxie, I was alerted to a contest in which a Napa winery called Poem Cellars has issued a call for poetry submissions.  Apparently, they include a haiku or a limerick on every cork of their bottled wine that goes out.  Until February 5th they will be taking submissions for their 2009 Napa Valley Red Wine.  The two poets chosen will receive a case of wine!  Go here for more details and to submit.

Of course I couldn't back down from the challenge due to the free wine and all.  Here are a few entries I submitted.  I dare say a glass of wine might have made an improvement.

Let us open a bottle of wine
and toast to the birth and decline
of relationships past,
present, future, and last
'til we no longer walk a straight line.

Here's to the vineyard
and the grapes she produced;
here's to the winery
for improving the juice.

And this one I just plain ripped off of Neil Diamond:

Sweet glass of wine,
good times never seemed
this good.

Hmm . . .  maybe I am drunk.

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