Friday, January 7, 2011

"I gave you love, you gave me asthma."

That is what a sign said as I drove by a bus stop today.  Amazed, I quickly tried to capture a photo with my phone, but it came out all grainy:

You're just going to have to trust me when I tell you that some genius marketing person decided that a picture of a baby with an inhaler and the caption "I gave you love, you gave me asthma" was something that would really get people riled up about this issue.  It wouldn't make them laugh.  Not at all. 

Man, I love this so much that I have to let it stand on its own.  No poem today- unless you can come up with one.  It might help their campaign.


  1. Seriously. I'm not even certain what this one is about. There's some small text underneath it that I never get to read. It makes me laugh though.

  2. Actually, I think it's part of an anti-smoking campaign. But I never get that far because the ad is so ridiculous.


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