Thursday, November 4, 2010

(But she still doesn't like Paul Pierce.)

My 87-year-old grandmother got me into basketball.  Back when the Lakers were in this year's finals against the Celtics, I happened to be visiting her.  I knew she enjoyed the occasional football game, but I guess I never realized just how avid a sports fan she really was until that night. 

It was the last game and it was one of the most exciting things I've ever seen in my life.  Up until that point, I don't think I had ever seen a full basketball game before, even in school.  My grandmother knew all the players.  She complained about Paul Pierce and the way he always "knows how to get fouls."  Glen Davis was a big baby.  And she thought Pau Gasol deserved MVP over Kobe.  Boy, I learned a lot that night. 

Now, I'm back visiting at her house, and the only thing we could agree to watch was the Bucks vs. the Celtics.  Another nail-biter of a game, it went into overtime that was way past Grandma's bedtime.  She got fed up with 1 minute, 6 seconds left on the clock and went to brush her teeth.  As soon as she walked away, the Buck's Delfino made a 3-point shot.  That gave the Bucks 100 against the Celtics' 101.  Ironically, my grandmother was rooting for the Celtics this time around.  "But, Grandma," I said, "I thought you hated the Celtics. Remember the Lakers championship game?"  She told me she was just going for the underdog.  Wait, the Celtics are the underdog here? 

One minute later they won 105-102.   Aha.  Grandma just likes to back a winner. 

Slam, Dunk, & Hook

Fast breaks. Lay ups. With Mercury's
Insignia on our sneakers,
We outmaneuvered to footwork
Of bad angels. Nothing but a hot
Swish of strings like silk
Ten feet out. In the roundhouse
Labyrinth our bodies
Created, we could almost
Last forever, poised in midair
Like storybook sea monsters.
A high note hung there
A long second. Off
The rim. We'd corkscrew
Up & dunk balls that exploded
The skullcap of hope & good
Intention. Lanky, all hands
& feet...sprung rhythm.
We were metaphysical when girls
Cheered on the sidelines.
Tangled up in a falling,
Muscles were a bright motor
Double-flashing to the metal hoop
Nailed to our oak.
When Sonny Boy's mama died
He played nonstop all day, so hard
Our backboard splintered.
Glistening with sweat,
We rolled the ball off
Our fingertips. Trouble
Was there slapping a blackjack
Against an open palm.
Dribble, drive to the inside,
& glide like a sparrow hawk.
Lay ups. Fast breaks.
we had moves we didn't know
We had. Our bodies spun
On swivels of bone & faith,
Through a lyric slipknot
Of joy, & we knew we were
Beautiful & dangerous.


  1. I can't believe I never stumbled across this one before! I was at that game. When the Lakers won, I had to stop myself from crying openly in front of 18,997 people.

  2. ...and Paul Pierce is an asshole. Go your grandma!

  3. Ha! I can't believe you were at that game. Lucky you. Paul Pierce suuuuucks.


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