Friday, October 15, 2010

"Why did cheese decide to perfom heroic deeds in France?"

I was so excited the other day when I was killing time in a book store and I came across Pablo Neruda's The Book of Questions.  I have been trying to find this book since college and it seemed to have gone out of print for a while.  Now there it was sitting nonchalantly on the shelf. 

Some of you may recognize Pablo Neruda's name from the character in the movie Il Postino.  He was a political Chilean poet.  This collection is different from his others because all the poems in the book are made of questions.  They don't have rational answers, but they are meant to just make you reflect on things. 

Here are some of my favorite excerpts:

If all rivers are sweet
where does the sea get its salt?

Is there anything in the world sadder
than a train standing in the rain?

Do tears not yet spilled
wait in small lakes?

What are you guarding under your hump
said a camel to a turtle.

And the turtle replied:
What do you say to oranges?

And what did the rubies say
standing before the juice of pomegranates?

Does the earth sing like a cricket
in the music of the heavens?

Where is the child I was,
still inside me or gone?

Tell me, is the rose naked
or is that her only dress?

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